Saturday, April 27, 2013

Studying for Finals Week!

For some of us, finals week is coming up and none of us are looking forward to it (I mean unless you like finals). Mine are next month and I need to start studying ASAP. So here are a few tips on how to stay focused when studying:
1. Find a private area to work at, like a desk in your room, or even on the floor, wherever you feel most comfortable. Try to avoid being near a window, I always find myself getting distracted by something outside.
2. Gather all of the materials you're going to need to work, (pencils, pens, highlighters, paper, the work, etc.)
3. Prepare yourself a snack if you're going to be studying for a while. I tend to go for a more healthy snack like a granola bar or some yogurt, with a glass of juice or water.
4. Turn off all technology (excluding your phone, we might need that as a..... um.. Calculator). Having the TV on while you're trying to study is a huge NO NO, you'll never get you're work done.
5. Take breaks. You don't have to sit there for hours straight reading out of a textbook, every 30 minutes or so get up and stretch or maybe eat something.
6. Flashcards. No matter what I'm doing ,
I always find myself using these. They're a huge help when you're out and about and you want to study real quick.

I hope this helps you in acing your finals! Xoxo,

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